Uncle Robot Media presents...

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From Episode 1, Magics dealer Henry Crosscorde comes home to a silent house (CW: violence)
From Episode 4, Antagonist James Ward uses astrological divination on his lunchtime ramen (CW: strong language)

Ever wondered whether magic could fix the world's problems?
In Sayonaraville's science-fantasy world, a diverse cast of characters, some from Celtic mythology, fight to combine magic and technology to protect NYC two decades after an averted apocalypse (sayonara, Brooklyn and Staten Island!) Spirit guardian Iris Penner is back from the dead, struggling to understand her purpose while trying to reform the Wild Hunt.
As competing powers vie to craft the world in their own image, it's also becoming apparent that magic may not be the savior it had seemed...

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The shock of revelation and
the joy of suspense
New York is both a place for endings and beginnings, which a good deal of this story is about. We begin with the aftermath of a terrible event and go from there.
This world has a rich history long before the Brooklyn Apocalypse occurred minus 22 years ago. But due to the loose nature of Sayonaraville’s time-space continuum, not all of what is purported may have actually occurred or will occur. Logic and continuity can be kinda weird here.
How many of us would love a reset? Like it or not, Iris and Ty and Rain and Mallory and James are getting that chance. What is it the Bible said? “Forgetting those things that are behind and straining towards what is ahead….” In this story, that is not optional, as you will soon find out.

It's a story about "Now what...?"
For Iris, people tell me who I am, but it doesn't feel true...
...For Ty, New York isn't the safe haven I thought it was...
...For Rigan, I can't hold on to my power or my life for much longer...
...And for James, I've traded my demon uncle for the Demon of the Hudson, and my power over people is only growing...
Now what?