Uncle Robot Media presents...

Stories connect us with a past we can't touch and a future we haven't seen yet. They help us suspend our fear long enough to embrace the unknown.
Release Schedule
When does Season 1 release?
Season 1 should be out early-to-mid fall, hopefully no later than October. We will release the first three episodes all at once, then a new episode each week after that, concluding with the tenth episode two months later.
What is the episode schedule?
Season 1, recorded by veteran audiobook voice actor Emily Woo Zeller (Panam Palmer in Cyberpunk 2077), and British actor Freya Kingsley (BBC's Baptiste) consists of 10 50-minute(ish) episodes introducing the listener to a strange, alternate New York where magic and technology combine and the twin traumas of the past catastrophe and the future threat still loom over everyone.
A two-episode between-season drop is in production.
We are already plotting Season 2 for spring / summer 2023. Wait, does that make us sound like Evil Geniuses?
How can I find who did the songs in each episode?
We are very proud of the curated music for the intro and for each outro song. Many of the musicians on the playlist are our friends. Some are not but were gracious enough to let us use their creative masterpieces.
Each artist we feature has an entry on the INDIE MUSIC page that includes a pic and bio (if we have one), social media links, and the credits for the song used during an episode. We are all fans of these great artists and hope you will be, too. Check them out and like and subscribe to their stuff. We’re sure they’d love your support.
How can I submit my own music for use in future podcasts?
We cannot guarantee that we will be able to use anyone’s music in a podcast, but if you have recorded a song that you wrote or have the rights to, you can let us know about it by emailing us at info@sayonaraville.com.
If we can use your work, we'll sign a fair use contract and promote you alongside the rest of our artists!
Working With Us
I am a fellow creator! Are you interested in collaborations?
Yes! We love to collaborate, as we hope you can see by all of the great artists and musicians who have contributed to Sayonaraville!
If you are a fellow podcaster or writer, we'd love to discuss feed swaps, character cameos, and overlapping story universes. If you're a blogger or interviewer, we make great guests. After nearly 25 years of marriage and countless creative projects, we have plenty to say about teamwork, RPG-fiction overlaps, world-building, incorporating metaphysics, script doctoring, the difference between written and audio drama, and lots more!
Please reach out to us at info@sayonaraville.com and let us know about your interest in joint projects!
How can my company or organization sponsor your podcast?
Can’t lie…we love sponsors and advertisers. Please do reach out to us and let us know who you are and how you’d like to contribute. We can be reached through email at info@sayonaraville.com.
Do you accept story submissions or episode ideas?
Our apologies, but for legal liability reasons, we are not able to read or respond to any story submissions or episode ideas we receive. However, if you'd like to submit fan art or merchandise ideas, we are open to that! Please reach out to us at info@sayonaraville.com.